Charles M. Rick, Jr., Professor Emeritus of the University of California, Davis and the world's foremost authority on tomato genetics, passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of Sunday, May 5th. Known worldwide for his major scientific contributions as a plant geneticist and botanist, the majority of Charlie Rick’s career focused on the genetic variability of the tomato, especially the wild tomato species distributed widely in western South America and the Galapagos Islands. In addition to the thorough studies of tomato genes and chromosomes, he organized numerous plant-collecting expeditions to the Andes to sample the wide range of genetic variation found in the wild species, but missing from the modern domestic tomato. Crisscrossing this rugged terrain, he managed to document and preserve an amazing diversity of tomato varieties with qualities such as disease resistance that can be bred back into the tomato we know. In his later years, Rick established and directed the Tomato Genetic Stocks Center (later renamed the C. M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center) at the Davis campus of the University of California, which serves as a permanent bank of genetic material for the tomato and other members of the nightshade family. This center distributes seeds to scientists world-wide, and its holdings include genetic varieties that have become extinct in the wild.
Born in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1915, Rick grew up working in orchards and enjoying nature study in the Boy Scouts. He took his B.S. degree at Penn State, where he met and married the late Martha Overholts, daughter of a well-known faculty expert on mushrooms. Together they moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts where he earned his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1940, concentrating on botany and plant genetics. He had previously established California connections by working with the Burpee seed company in Lompoc, and as soon as he finished at Harvard he joined the faculty of the Vegetable Crops Department at Davis, where he remained for his career of more than 60 years. He taught temporarily at other universities throughout the world, and remained active in the field of plant genetics until the age of 85, when health difficulties interfered with greenhouse and lab work. In the course of his career, Rick accumulated many honors, including membership in the National Academy of Sciences, and recognition from dozens of universities and learned societies. He received the Alexander von Humboldt Award, and was also the first recipient of the Filipo Maseri Florio World Prize in Agriculture in 1997.
An excellent lecturer, Rick was much sought after by universities who valued both his rigorous science and his humor and flair for storytelling. A perennial favorite involved his frustrations in trying to germinate wild tomato seeds collected from the Galapagos Islands. The emerging mystery of how the plants reproduce in the wild was only resolved after the seeds were ‘processed’ by passing through the digestive track of a Galapagos tortoise, resulting in vigorous seedlings. Much of Rick’s most fascinating work came from a firsthand perception of the plants’ roles in local environments and their evolving reproductive strategies. Over time, Rick’s work on tomato genetics established this plant as an important model organism in the era of genomics.
Rick taught and mentored generations of U.S. and international scientists in plant genetics. His students went on to lead major research institutes, serve as ministers of agriculture and other governmental roles, and become faculty at universities on every continent. They have worked on studying and improving many major crops, including rice, grapes, potatoes, and peppers.

His children continued in academics; his daughter Susan Baldi taught anatomy and physiology at Santa Rosa Junior College, and his son John is an Emeritus Professor of archaeology at Stanford. Three grandchildren and a great grandchild were his greatest joys in his last years.
Other Resources:
C. M. Rick Symposium, Sept. 27-28, 2002, University of California, Davis.
Tomato Man Remembered, by Dan Charles of National Public Radio, May 28, 2002.
Charles Madera Rick, Biographical Memoir by S. Tanksley and G. Khush, The National Academies Press.
Charles M. Rick, In Memoriam, by M. Green, R. Chetelat and J. Yoder, UC-Davis.
Jones, C. M., C. M. Rick, D. Adams, J. Jernstedt, and R. T. Chetelat (2007) Genealogy and fine mapping of obscuravenosa, a gene affecting the distribution of chloroplasts in leaf veins, and evidence of selection during breeding of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum; Solanaceae) Amer. J. Bot. 94: 935-947.
Chetelat, R.T., C.M. Rick, P. Cisneros, K.B. Alpert, and J.W. DeVerna (1998) Identification, transmission, and cytological behavior of Solanum lycopersicoides Dun. monosomic alien addition lines in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Genome 41:40-50.
Rick, C.M. and R.T. Chetelat (1995) Utilization of related wild species for tomato improvement. In: R. Munoz-Fernandez, J. Cuartero, M.L. Gomez- Guillamon (eds.) First International Symposium on Solanaceae for Fresh Market. Acta Hort 412:21-38.
Rick, C.M. (1995) Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum), p. 452-457. In: J. Smartt and N.W. Simmonds (eds.) Evolution of Crop Plants, 2nd Edition. Longman, London.
Rick, C.M., J.W. Uhlig, and A. D. Jones (1994) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 91:12877-12881. High alpha tomatine content in ripe fruit of Andean Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme: Developmental and genetic aspects. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 91, pp. 12877-12881, December 1994
Rick, C. M. and R. T. Chetelat (1991) The breakdown of self-incompatibility in Lycopersicon hirsutum. p. 253-256 in J.G. Hawkes et al. (ed.) Solanaceae III: Taxonomy, chemistry, evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Linnean Society of London.
Rick, C.M. (1991) Tomato resources of South America reveal many genetic treasures. Diversity 7:54-56.
Rick, C. M. (1991) Tomato paste: A concentrated review of genetic highlights from the beginnings to the advent of molecular genetics. Genetics 128:1-5.
DeVerna, J.W., C.M. Rick, R.T. Chetelat, B.J. Lanini and K.B. Alpert (1990) Sexual hybridization of Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum rickii by means of a sesquidiploid bridging hybrid. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 87:9486-9490.
Rick, C.M. and M. Holle (1990) Andean Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme: Genetic variation and its evolutionary significance. Econ. Bot. 44 (3 Supl.) 69-78.
Rick, C.M. (1990) Perspectives from plant genetics: The Tomato Genetics Stock Center. p. 11-19. In: P.E. McGuire and C.O. Qualset (eds.) Genetics Resources at Risk: Scientific Issues, Technologies, and Funding Policies. Genetic Resources Conservation Program, Univ. of Calif., Oakland, CA.
Chetelat, R.T., C.M. Rick and J.W. DeVerna. (1989) Isozyme analysis, chromosome pairing, and fertility of Lycopersicon esculentum x Solanum lycopersicoides diploid backcross hybrids. Genome 32:783-790.
Rick, C.M. and J.I. Yoder (1988) Classical and molecular genetics of tomato: highlights and perspectives. Ann. Rev. Genet. 22:281-300.
Rick, C.M., R.T. Chetelat, and J.W. DeVerna. (1988) Recombination in sesquidiploid hybrids of Lycopersicon esculentum x Solanum lycopersicoides and derivatives. Theor. Appl. Genet. 76:647-655.
Rick, C.M. (1988) Tomato-like nightshades: Affinities, autoecology, and breeders' opportunities. Econ. Bot. 42:145-154.
Rick, C.M. (1988) Evolution of mating systems in cultivated plants. pp. 133-147. In: L.D. Gottlieb and S.K. Jain (eds.) Plant Evolutionary Biology, Chapman and Hall, London.
Tanksley, S.D., M.A. Mutschler and C.M. Rick (1987) Linkage map of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). In: S.J. O'Brien (ed.) Genetics Maps 4.
Rick, C.M. (1987) Molecular markers as aids for germplasm management and utilization. HortSci. 23(1) :55-57.
Rick, C.M., J.W. DeVerna, R.T. Chetelat and M.A. Stevens (1987) Potential contributions of wide crosses to improvement of processing tomatoes. Acta Hort. 200:45-55.
Rick, C.M. (1987) Genetic resources in Lycopersicon. pp. 17-26. In: D.J. Nevins and R.A. Jones (eds.) Tomato Biotechnology Symposium, Davis, CA August 1986. Alan R. Liss, NY.
DeVerna, J.W., R.T. Chetelat and C.M. Rick. (1987) Cytogenetic, electrophoretic and morphological analysis of progeny of sesquidiploid Lycopersicon esculentum-Solanum lycopersicoides hybrids x L. pennellii. Biologisches Zentralblatt 106:417-428.
DeVerna, J.W., R.T. Chetelat, C.M. Rick and M.A. Stevens (1987) Introgression of Solanum lycopersicoides germplasm. pp. 27-36. In: D.J. Nevins and R.A. Jones (eds.) Tomato Biotechnology Symposium, Davis, CA, August 1986. Alan R. Liss, NY.
Rick, C.M. (1986) Tomato mutants, freaks, anomalies, and breeders' resources. HortSci. 21(4) :918-919.
Stevens, M.A. and C.M. Rick (1986) Genetics and breeding. p. 36-109. In: J.G. Atherton and J. Rudich (eds.) The Tomato Crop. Chapman and Hall, London and NY
Rick, C.M. (1986) Reproductive isolation in the Lycopersicon peruvianum complex. p. 477-495. In: W.G. D'Arcy (ed.) Solanaceae, Biology and Systematics. Columbia Univ. Press, NY.
Rick, C.M. (1986) Germplasm resources in the wild tomato species. p. 39-47. In: A.S. El Beltagy and A.R. Persson (eds.) Symposium on Tomato Production on Arid Land. Acta Hort. 190.
Rick, C.M. (1986) Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) p. 69-71. In: J. Leon and L.A. Withiers (eds.) Guidelines for seed exchange and plant introduction in tropical crops. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Rick, C.M., J.W. DeVerna, R.T. Chetelat and M.A. Stevens (1986) Meiosis in sesquidiploid hybrids of Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum lycopersidoides. Proc. Natl. Acad. of Sci. 83:3580-3583.
Rick, C.M. (1985) Collection of germplasm and its application. Proceedings of the 1985 California Plant and Soil Conference, Agriculture, Environment and You. Calif. Chapter Amer. Soc. of Agronomy. p. 84-86.
Rick, C.M. (1984) Evolution of mating systems: Evidence from allozyme variation. p. 215-221. In: V.L. Chopra (ed.) Genetics: New Frontiers, Proceedings of the XV International Congress of Genetics. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Rick, C.M. (1984) Plant germplasm resources. p. 9-37. In: P.V. Ammirate, D.A. Evans, W.R. Sharp and Y. Yamada (eds.) Handbook of Plant Cell Culture, Vol. 3. Crop Species. Macmillan Publishing Co., NY.
Tanksley, S.D., C.M. Rick and C.E.Vallejos (1984) Tight linkage between a nuclear male-sterile locus and an enzyme marker in tomato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 68:109-113.
Rick, C.M. (1983) Tomato (Lycopersicon). p. 147-165. In: S.D. Tanksley and T.J. Orton (eds.) Isozymes in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Part B. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam.
Rick, C.M. (1983) Genetic variability in tomato species. Plant Mol. Biol. Rpt. 1(2) :81-87.
Rick, C.M. (1983) Genetic variation and evolution of Galapagos tomatoes. p. 97-105. In: R.I. Bowman, M. Berson and A.E. Leviton (eds.) Patterns of Evolution in Galapagos Organisms. Pacific Division AAAS, San Francisco, CA.
Rick, C.M. and S.D. Tanksely (1983) Isozyme monitoring of genetic variation in Lycopersicon. p. 269-284. In: A.R. Liss (ed.) Isozymes: Current Topics in Biological and Medical Research, Vol. 11. Medical and Other Applications, NY.
Tanksley, S.D., H. Medina-Filho and C.M. Rick (1982) Use of naturally-occurring enzyme variation to detect and map genes controlling quantitative traits in an interspecific backcross of tomato. Heredity 49(1) :11-25.
Rick, C.M. (1982) Genetic relationships between self-incompatibility and floral traits in the tomato species. Biologisches Zentralblatt 101:185-198.
Juvik, J.A., M.A. Stevens and C.M. Rick (1982) Survey of the genus Lycopersicon for variability in alpha-tomatine content. HortSci. 17(5) :764-766.
Rick, C.M. (1982) The potential of exotic germplasm for tomato improvement. p. 1-28. In: I.K. Vasil, W.R. Scowcroft and K.J. Frey (eds.) Plant Improvement and Somatic Cell Genetics. Academic Press, NY.
Tanksley, S.D., D. Zamir and C.M. Rick (1981) Evidence for extensive overlap of sporophytic and gametophytic gene expression in Lycopersicon esculentum. Science. 213:453-455.
Rick, C.M. (1981) Germplasm collection, preservation, use. p. 73-74. In: K.J. Frey (ed.) Plant Breeding II. The Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames.
Tanksley, S.D., H. Medina-Filho and C.M. Rick (1981) The effect of isozyme selection on metric characters in an interspecific backcross of tomato-basis of an early screening procedure. Theor. Appl. Gene. 60:291-296.
Rick, C.M. and S.D. Tanksley (1981) Genetic variation in Solanum pennellii: Comparisons with two other sympatric tomato species. Plant Systematics and Evol. 139:11-45.
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Tanksley, S.D. and C.M. Rick (1980) Isozymic gene linkage map of the tomato: Applications in genetics and breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 57:161-170.
Fobes, J.F. (1980) Trisomic analysis of isozymic loci in tomato species: segregation and dosage effects. Biochem. Genet. 18: 401-421.
Tanksley, S.D. and C.M. Rick (1980) Genetics of esterases in species of Lycopersicon. Theor. Appl. Genet. 56:209-219.
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Rick, C.M. (1974) High soluble-solids content in large-fruited tomato lines derived from a wild green-fruited species. Hilgardia 42(15) :493-510.
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Rick, C.M. and B.S. Gill (1973) Reproductive errors in aneuploids: Generation of variant extra-chromosomal types by tomato primary tricomics. Can. J. Genet. Cytology 15(2) :299-308.
Rick, C.M. (1973) Potential genetic resources in tomato species: Clues from observations in native habitats. p. 255-269. In: A.M. Srb (ed.) Genes, Enzymes and Populations. Plenum Publishing Corp., NY.
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Rick, C.M. (1972) Further studies on segregation and recombination in backcross derivatives of tomato species hybrid. Biologisches Zentralblatt 91(2) :209-220.
Rick, C.M. (1971) The tomato Ge locus: Linkage relations and geographic distribution of alleles. Genetics. 67:75-85.
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Rick, C.M. (1971) Some cytogenetic features of the genome in diploid plant species. Stadler Symposia, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia 1 and 2:153-174.
Rick, C.M. (1970) Genetics and breeding cooperatives for horticultural crops. HortSci. 5(3) :142-144.
Rick, C.M. (1969) Heterogenetic organisms. Review of Plant chimeras, by W. Neilson-Jones. Science. 166:368.
Rick, C.M. and W.H. Demsey (1969. Position of the stigma in relation to fruit setting of the tomato. Botanical Gazette 130(3)
Rick, C.M. (1969. Controlled introgression of chromosomes of Solanum pennellii into Lycopersicon esculentum: Segregation and recombination. Genetics 62:753-768.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1969) Tomato secondary trisomics: Origin, identification, morphology and use in cytogenetic analysis of the genome. Heredity. 24(1) :129-146.
Rick, C.M. and G.S. Khush (1969) Cytogenetic explorations in the tomato genome. p. 45-68. In: R. Bogart (ed.) Genetics Lectures, Vol. 1. Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis.
Reeves, A.F., G.S. Khush and C.M. Rick (1968) Segregation and recombination in trisomics: A reconsideration. Can. J. Genet. and Cytology 10(4):937-940.
Rick, C.M. (1968) El mejoramiento deltomate mediante el empleo de formas silvestres. Agronomia Tropical 18(1) :143-150.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1968) Tomato telotrisomics: Origin, identification and use in linkage mapping. Cytologia 33(1) :137-148.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1968) Cytogenetic analysis of the tomato genome by means of induced deficiencies. Chromosoma 23:452-484.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1967) Tomato tertiary trisomics: Origin, identification, morphology and use in determining position of centromeres and arm location of markers. Can. J. Genet. and Cytology 9(3):610-631.
Rick, C.M. (1967) Fruit and pedicel characters derived from Galapagos tomatoes. Econ. Bot. 21(2) :171-184.
Rick, C.M. and J.E. Boynton (1967) A temperature-sensitive male-sterile mutant of the tomato. Amer. J. Bot. 54(5) :601-611.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1967) Novel compensating trisomics of the tomato: Cytogenetics, monosomic analysis and other applications. Genetics. 56(2):297-307.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1967) Haplo-triplo-disomics of the tomato: Origin, cytogenetics and utilization as a source of secondary trisomics. Biologisches Zentralblatt 86:257-265.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1967) Studies on the linkage map of chromosome 4 of the tomato and on the transmission of induced deficiencies. Genetica 38:74-94.
Rick, C.M. (1967) Exploiting species hybrids for vegetable improvement. XVII International Horticultural Congress 3:217-229.
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Clayberg, C.D., L. Butler, E.A. Kerr, C.M. Rick and R.W. Robinson (1966) Third list of known genes in the tomato. J. Heredity. 57(7):189-197.
Linsley, E.G., C.M. Rick and S.G. Stephens. (1966) Observations on the floral relationship of the Galapagos carpenter bee (Hymenoptera :Apidae). Pan Pacific Entomologist 42(1) :1-18.
Rick, C.M. (1966) Abortion of male and female gametes in the tomato determined by allelic interaction. Genetics. 53(1):85-96.
Rick, C.M. (1966) Some plant-animal relations of the Galapagos Islands. p. 215-224. In: R.I. Bowman (ed.) The Galapagos. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley.
Stephens, S.G. and C.M. Rick (1966) Problems on the origin, dispersal and establishment of the Galapagos cottons. p. 201-208. In: R.I. Bowman (ed.) The Galapagos. Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick. (1966) The origin, identification and cytogenetic behavior of tomato monosomics. Chromosoma 18:407-420.
Rick, C.M. and G.S. Khush (1966) Chromosome engineering in Lycopersicon. In: R. Riley and K.R. Lewis (eds.) Chromosome Manipulations and Plant Genetics. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.
Khush, G.S., C.M. Rick and R.W. Robinson. (1964) Genetic activity in a heterochromatic chromosome segment of the tomato. Science. 145(3639) :1432-1434.
Rick, C.M, W.H. Dempsey and G.S. Khush (1964) Further studies on the primary trisomics of the tomato. Can. J. Genet. and Cytology 6(1):93-108.
Rick, C.M. (1963) Differential zygotic lethality in a tomato species hybrid. Genetics 48(11) :1497-1507.
Rick, C.M. (1963) Barriers to interbreeding in Lycopersicon peruvianum. Evolution 17(2) :216-232.
Rick, C.M. (1963) Biosystematic studies on Galapagos tomatoes. Occasional Papers, Calif. Acad. Sci. 44:59-77.
Khush, G.S. and C.M. Rick (1963) Meiosis in hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum pennellii. Genetica 33:167-183.
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Rick, C.M. and G.S. Khush (1961) X-ray-induced deficiencies of chromosome 11 in the tomato. Genetics. 46(11):1389-1393.
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Clayberg, C.D., L. Butler, C.M. Rick and P.A. Young (1960) Second list of known genes in the tomato. J. Heredity. 51(4) :167-174.
Rick, C.M. (1960) Hybridization between Lycopersicon esculentum and Solanum pennellii: Phylogenetic and cytogenetic significance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 46(1) :78-82.
Rick, C.M. (1959) Non-random gene distribution among tomato chromosomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 45(10) :1515-1519.
Rick, C.M. and A.L. Harrison (1959) Inheritance of five new tomato seedling characters. J. Heredity. 50(3) :90-98.
Rick, C.M., A.E. Thompson and O. Brauer (1959) Genetics and development of an unstable chlorophyll deficiency in Lycopersicon esculentum. Amer. J. Bot. 46(1):1-11.
Rick, C.M. (1958) The role of natural hybridization in the derivation of cultivated tomatoes of western South America. Economic Bot. 12(4) :346-367.
Soost, R.K. and C.M. Rick (1957) Effect of varieties of pollen and ovule parents on natural cross-pollination of tomatoes. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort Sci. 70:357-365.
Rick, C.M. (1956) Genetic and systematic studies of accessions of Lycopersicon from the Galapagos Islands. Amer. J. Bot. 43(9) :687-696.
Mackinney, G., C.M. Rick and J.A. Jenkins. (1956) The phytoene content of tomatoes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 42(7) :404-408.
Rick, C.M. and L. Butler (1956) Cytogenetics of the tomato. Advances in Genetics 8:267-382.
Rick, C.M. and R. Lamm (1955) Biosystematic studies on the status of Lycopersicon chilense. Amer. J. Bot. 42(7):663-675.
Barton, D.W., L. Butler, J.A. Jenkins, C.M. Rick and P.A. Young (1955) Rules for nomenclature in tomato genetics. J. Heredity. 46(1) :22-26.
Rick, C.M. and A.C. Swsant (1955) Factor interactions affecting the phenotypic expression of the jointless character in tomatoes. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 66:354-360.
McGuire, D.C. and C.M. Rick (1954) Self-incompatibility in species of Lycopersicon sect. Eriopersicon and hybrids with L. esculentum. Hilgardia 23(4) :101-124.
Robinson, R.W. and C.M. Rick (1954) New tomato seedling characters and their linkage relationships. J. Heredity. 45(5) :241-247.
Rick, C.M. and D.W. Barton (1954) Cytological and genetical identification of the primary trisomics of the tomato. Genetics. 39(5):640-666.
Mackinney, G., C.M. Rick and J.A. Jenkins. (1954) Carotenoid differences in Lycopersicon: Hybrids of an unusual race of L. pimpinellifolium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 40(8) :695-699.
Rick, C.M. and P.G. Smith (1953) Novel variation in tomato species hybrids. Amer. Naturalist 87(837) :359-373.
Rick, C.M. (1953) Hybridization between chicory and endive. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 16:459-466.
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Rick, C.M. (1951) The grafting relations of wilty dwarf, a new tomato mutant. Amer. Naturalist 84(828):173-184.
Rick, C.M. (1951) Hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Solanum lycopersicoides Dun. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 37(11) :741-744.
Rick, C.M. and J. Robinson (1951) Inherited defects of floral structure affecting fruitfulness in Lycopersicon esculentum. Amer. J. Bot. 38(8) :639-652.
Smith, P.G., C.M. Rick and C.B. Heiser, Jr. (1951) Capsicum pendulum Wild ., another cultivated pepper from South America. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 57:339-342.
Rick, C.M. (1950) Pollination relations of Lycopersicon esculentum in native and foreign regions. Evolution. 4(2) :110-122.
Rick, C.M. (1950) Capsicum pubescens, a little known pungent pepper from Latin America. Missouri Botany Garden Bul. 38(2) :36-42.
Rick, C.M. (1949) Rates of natural cross-pollination of tomatoes in various localities in California as measured by the fruits and seeds set on male-sterile plants. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 54:237-252.
Rick, C.M. and E. Anderson (1949) On some uses of maize in the Sierra of Ancash. Annals of Missouri Botany Garden 36:405-412.
Rick, C.M. (1948) Genetics and development of nine male-sterile tomato mutants. Hilgardia 18(17) :599-633.
Rick, C.M. (1947) A flower marker for plant-breeding operations. Science. 106(2765) :645.
Rick, C.M. (1947) Partial suppression of hair development indirectly affecting fruitfulness and the proportion of cross-pollination in a tomato mutant. Amer. Naturalist 81:185-202.
Rick, C.M. (1947) The effect of planting design upon the amount of seed produced by male-sterile tomato plants as a result of natural cross-pollination. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 50:273-284.
Rick, C.M. (1946) The development of sterile ovules in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Amer. J. Bot. 33(4):250-256.
Randall, T.E. and C.M. Rick (1945) A cytogenetic study of polyembryony in Asparagus officinalis L. Amer. J. Bot. 32(9) :560-569.
Rick, C.M. (1945) A survey of cytogenetic causes of unfruitfulness in the tomato. Genetics. 30:347-362.
Rick, C.M. (1945) Field identification of genetically male-sterile tomato plants for use in producing F-1 hybrid seed. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 46:277-283.
Rick, C.M. (1944) A new male-sterile mutant in tomato. Science. 99(2583) :543.
Rick, C.M. and G.C. Hanna (1943) Determination of sex in Asparagus officinalis L. Am. J. Bot. 30(9) :711-714.
Rick, C.M. (1943) Cyto-genetic consequences of X-ray treatment of pollen in Petunia. Botanical Gazette 104(4):528-540.
Rick, C.M. (1943) The X-ray induced mutation rate in pollen in relation to dosage and the nuclear cycle. Genetics 28:237-252.
Rick, C.M. (1942) The genetic nature of X-ray induced changes in pollen. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 28(12) :518-525.
Rick, C.M. (1940) On the nature of X-ray induced deletions in Tradescantia chromosomes. Genetics. 25:466-482.
- Ph.D. Harvard Univ., 1940; B.S. Penn State Univ., 1937
- 1967 elected to the National Academy of Sciences
- 1982 Frank N. Meyer medal (American Genetics Society)
- 1987 Distinguished Economic Botanist (Soc. for Economic Botany)
- 1993 Alexander von Humboldt Award
- 1997 Filippo Maseri Florio World Prize for Distinguished Research in Agriculture